Monday, 10 September 2012

Volcanoes around us

The amazing palmtrees in our garden at sunset
It has been an unusual windy and clear the last month or more in Quito we are told. Mankind's contribution to changing weather patterns might likely come back to bite us, but right now we take advantage of a season when it is the opposite of the usual calm cloudy less than clear days.
The mountains around us stand out in the spectacular sunsets.

Cayambe at 5,790m is an active volcano about 70km NW of Quito
 Cayambe seen from Campo Allegre


Pichinca 4.790m active just outside Quito
Seen from our yard

Cayambe seen from just inside the gate to our garden
We are living right in the so called Avenue of Volcanoes that stretches all the way through the Andes from Venezuela to Chile and Argentina. Right around us we have the two shown in the pictures as well as Imbabura, 4.610; Antisana, 5.700m; Pasochoa 4.199m; Iliniza 5.263m; and Cotopaxi 5.898m

Cotopaxi after which the school is named will be the site of our next trip out of Quito. Its is only about 80km and is surrounded by a national park with great haziendas to stay at for a week-end trip.

And the wildlife is also here. This guy passed by our varenda the other evening, just hope he left for good.


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