This is Ecuador! Rules change, procedures change. The Human Resources (HR) department (aka Patricia, and her assistant, Veronica) has been incredibly supportive in helping us newbies settle in and in helping us navigate the system, process visas, open bank accounts, get car insurance, etc.. Patricia trickles information down to us, on a need to know basis. Maybe it is not to overwhelm us, or maybe it is just the way of a different culture where schedules state American time, if they really mean departure at 8:30 am and not 8:50 ish.
We had been here three weeks before we were informed of the most recent government decree regarding the school year schedule. Academia Cotopaxi, is an intenatiional school offering three kinds of high school graduation diplomas, including the International Baccalaureate, an internationally recognized diploma. Students are generally accepted to any university in the world with an IB diploma. Academia Cotopaxi also grants an American High School diploma and an Ecuadorian High School diploma. This is an international school, but the bottom line is that we exist within the Ecuadorian laws as dictated by the Ministry of Education, and we must abide by the host government's decrees.
Last January, when I (and all of the other new teachers and returning teachers) signed a contract, we were given the school calendar for 2012-13, which included the local holidays (Oct 9 - Independence of Guayaquil; Nov. 2 - All Souls Day, Nov. 3 Independence of Cuenca; Dec. 6 - Quito Days, a 2 week break at Christmas, 1 week March break, Easter Break, etc.). However, in early August the Ecuadorian government issued a decree regarding the school calendar with which ALL schools in Ecuador were expected to comply. The new calendar included only a few days holidays at Christmas and a random 14 day holiday in February, no March break and no Easter break. The school director and board of directors have been busy trying to sort out an acceptable compromiise that honours the contracts we have all signed, the integrity of the American school calendar AND the rules of Ecuador. Many of our school staff and families (with international connections) already have plans for a 2 week break at Christmas. Needless to say, the decree has caused some stress and anxiety in our school community and it has loomed in the background for the past two weeks.
For us - Sarah has her ticket to come (Dec. 30 - Jan. 29) and Torsten and Kelly and Amelia are coming (Dec. 17- Jan.7). We had planned to spend Christmas here, exploring Ecuador, so the decree doesn't make much difference for us, except that it would be nicest to be completely free to spend as many days as possible with them... but time will tell. I may have to work several days while they are here. Fortunately, Ole will be free to take them places.
For those who have already mentioned coming for March Break - you are still VERY welcome and we are looking forward to sharing this piece of paradise with you. We have two guest rooms and I will still have weekends free to go places with you. Otherwise, it is really easy to get around Quito.
Here are a variety of shots from around the campus, taken the week before the students arrived. There is more life now.
School looks great!! Can't wait to see it :)